Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dad's Officially A Toothless Hillbilly Now

So I'm at work freaking out right now.

Ferdley and Katie and I were supposed to go to dad's heart valve replacement surgery this Monday, but they postponed the surgery so we postponed our trip. The doctors decided to rip out 9 of Dad's teeth instead so they could get any infection out of his mouth before they put the new heart valve in. Then after the surgery he got mysteriously placed in ICU with no explanation. I was notified of this twice at 10:30 and 10:40 last night. I figured it was late but Ferdley would want to know, so I called and left a message.

Turns out he's in ICU because his blood pressure dropped after the oral surgery. They want to keep a closer eye on him.

I don't know what to do, but I guess I'll continue to hold out for his heart valve surgery considering I can really only afford to travel there once.


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