Monday, April 30, 2012

Sleep Deprivation for Wimps and Old Ladies In Their 20's

I'm such an old lady.

It's 11:21 PM and I get off work in... 39 minutes and I just want to go to SLEEP. I would have been in bed at 8 PM if I had anything to do with it. My eyes are sleepy, damn it. I have to get up at 6 AM to take my Non* to a stress test that I already took her to once. So yeah, my Non is conspiring against sleep. And work. They conspire against sleep too with that CPR class at 7 AM and the shift that ends at midnight. (I might be partly responsible for that one...) Still, it's one big freaking conspiracy.

Obviously I'm too tired to be funny right now.

Oh, but let me tell you about my crap day that contributed to the old lady tiredness of this one.

In a period of less than 6 hours I somehow managed to smash the glass in my curio cabinet while rushing out the door, freak out because I have NO idea how to fix something like that, pick up my Non late, drop her at her first doctor's appointment of the day only to find out it was the wrong day and they can't fit her in, swing back to get her while trying to put jelly on a sausage biscuit and not crash, attempt to be productive by hitting the grocery only to have a jar of marinara sauce roll out of my cart and SPLATTER all over the damn place, including on me and my lovely new Nike's, and get to her second appointment to find that the doctor WASN'T EVEN THERE! How does that even happen???

I wound up going home and trying to do absolutely NOTHING that I could fuck up for the rest of the day.

PS: 27 minutes left.

Translation: Non = My Crazy Ass Grandma

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