Sunday, April 29, 2012

I Just Want To Wear a Live Alligator As a Scarf

My Mom and her husband and my 3 year old sister just got back from Mexico and wanted to tell me about their trip, which was awesome, but I went to New Orleans for the weekend and I REALLY wanted to tell them all about that but I couldn't get a word in edgewise...

... so now I'm laying in bed thinking about how I wanted to tell them about alligator skin and how weird it is and how when they sell those awful gator heads in the gift shops they're all scaly and rough to the touch...

... but when I got to touch that live 2 ft alligator it had the most AMAZING skin that was like silky and magical and cool and warm all at the same time...

... and I really just want to be able to pet a live alligator all day like how the super villains in movies pet fuzzy white cats, except with an alligator which would be SO much more badass!!! And dangerous. Because that's how I roll.

I was going to post a picture of me holding the gator but I look like a grinning idiot in that shot, because alligators feel THAT crazy awesome so I'm just going to keep that one to myself.

Also, I'm aware that that was all one run on sentence. I broke it up to make it less obnoxious. I probably failed. So it goes.

Good Night,

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