Sunday, April 29, 2012

NaNoWriMo for Those of You Who Speak Klingon

Ok, so...

I want to write a book. November is National Novel Writer's Month. But it's April, and by November I will have either forgot about it or I'll be sitting at my computer staring at a blank screen thinking WHAT DO I DO??? and DAMN YOU STEPHEN KING! and other things... So I think I'm just going to use this blog as an excuse to write and get ideas and discover what to do as soon as November comes. Yeah, that sounds good.

You know, November is an awful month to try to write a novel. There's Christmas shopping, Thanksgiving obligations, and turkey comas to dodge and that's just off the top of my head. Why not August? Then it's too damn hot to go outside and there are no holidays so you can hunker down with an A/C unit and your laptop and get to scribbling. Except it's a laptop so that doesn't work. Typing would be better. Don't scribble on your laptop.

January too. That would be an excellent month to write a novel. Read that last bit about August over again except replace hot with cold, A/C with heater, and you're good to go.

I'll leave it for now but I'd still like to know how November got picked...

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